EPS Foam Tileable Shower Slope


  • Quick and easy to install
  • Waterproof – resistant to rot or mold
  • Light weight eps foam slope
  • Same day install and tiling of surface
  • No special training necessary
  • Sloped per industry standards of 1/4″ every foot

Product Documents


The Compotite Slope Board! It’s like having a trusty sidekick for crafting perfect shower slopes. With its lightweight yet sturdy design, this board makes creating the ideal pitch a breeze. Just lay it down, shape it up, and voilà! You’ve got a flawless foundation ready for tile. No more worrying about water pooling or drainage issues. With the Compotite Slope Board by your side, every shower installation will be smooth sailing. Say hello to perfectly pitched showers and goodbye to headaches!


  • Quick and easy to install
  • Waterproof – resistant to rot or mold
  • Light weight eps foam slope
  • Same day install and tiling of surface
  • No special training necessary
  • Sloped per industry standards of 1/4″ every foot

Installation Requirements

  1. Measure the length of each wall and cut theSlope Boards to the appropriate length.
  2. Measure the distance from the center of your drainlocation to each wall.
  3. Cut the Slope Board to that length measuring from thetapered (thinner) edge towards the 3⁄4 inch edge.
  4. Snap a chalk line or use a straight edge to mark and cut the Slope Boardat an angle from the thicker edge to the point at the tapered end wherethe center of the drain is.
  5. Cut out a semi-circle at the end of each slope board to accommodate forthe clamping ring of the drain.
  6. Slope can be extended with mortar if Slope Boards are not big enough.Slope Board layout for pre-slope under shower pan membrane and
    thick-bed mortar bed
  7. Install Shower Pan Membrane on top of Slope Boards according tomanufactures instructions
  8. After water testing, install a Curb-Over element and then install a thick-bedmortar bed on top of membrane according to ANSI 108.10 method
  9. Once cured-set tile

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