Weld-Tite Flexible Vinyl Cement


  • Instant Contact Strength
  • Clear, Light Bodied, Fast Drying
  • Designed specifically for use in welding seams and corners any combination of Composeal membranes

Product Documents


Composeal Flexible Vinyl Cement is a clear, light bodied, fast drying solvent cement designed specifically for use in welding seams and corners of Composeal Blue and Composeal Grey Vinyl Shower Pan Liners. Composeal Flexible Vinyl Cement can be used to weld any combination of Composeal membranes.



  • Instant Contact Strength
  • Clear, Light Bodied, Fast Drying
  • Designed specifically for use in welding seams and corners any combination of Composeal membranes

This product has a shelf life of two years from date on bottom of can.

1 pint = 50 linear feet

Approximate number of joints made by pipe size per 1 pint of cement
(pipe : joints)
1/2″ : 150
3/4″ : 100
1″ : 60
1-1/2″ : 45
2″ : 30
3″ : 20
4″ : 15
6″ : 5

Installation Requirements

For larger jobs pour cement into a larger container and apply with a paint brush.

  1. Clean and dry surfaces to be joined.
  2. Apply an even coating of cement on each surface with a brush or dauber.
  3. For instant strength on contact, allow coatings to dry 2-5 min.
  4. Press parts firmly together – surface should overlap by 2″. The longer the drying time before assembly, the greater the pressure needed and higher the immediate bond strength. Be sure that both cement coatings fuse together.


  1. Press parts together immediately. Hold a few seconds until “grab” begins.
  2. If not possible to coat both surfaces, give generous coat to one and press gently to other to wet it. Then apply bonding pressure.
  3. Good strength will develop in a few minutes with some bonding materials. Bond strength will be good in a few hours and excellent in 24-48 hours. Thereafter, strength will continue to increase gradually for some weeks.

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