
Pitch Perfect


  • Full kit is 40″ x 40″ square
  • Can be made into a 40″ x 60″
  • Honey comb design for added strength
  • Fast install using Compotite PVC Shower liner
  • Easily cut to custom size.

Product Documents


Installers, ever wished for the perfect pitch? Introducing Pitch Perfect by Compotite! It’s a clever system featuring four key components: the Pitch, the Fit, the Cut, and the Seal. These pieces work together like a dream team to create custom shower bases with optimal slope for drainage. Imagine crafting shower floors with precision and ease, ensuring every drop finds its way down the drain. Say goodbye to uneven surfaces and hello to flawless showers that keep water where it belongs. With Pitch Perfect, your installations will reach new heights of perfection!


  • Full kit is 40″ x 40″ square
  • Can be made into a 40″ x 60″
  • Honey comb design for added strength
  • Fast install using Compotite PVC Shower liner
  • Easily cut to custom size.

Installation Requirements

  1. Make sure Composeal Pitch Perfect Pre-Slope Shower Base and Extension are best suited for your project. Maximum dimensions are for a 40” x 60” shower stall.
    NOTE: The 40”x 20” Extension must be purchased separately to complete larger installation.

  2. Install must begin with a level sub-floor to insure proper slope of installation.

  3. Lay the Pre-Slope Shower Base pieces with cardboard facing up on the floor outside of the framed shower stall.

  4. Measure the distance from the center of the drain to each wall, one at a time marking the corresponding measurement on the Pitch Perfect Pre-Slope Shower Base.  Use the guide lines provided on the cardboard as a guide to cut the Composeal PitchPerfect Pre-Slope Shower Base with a utility knife and a straight edge.

  5. Lay the Pitch Perfect Pre-Slope Shower Base (and extension if needed) on the sub-floor around the drain base with the card-board surface facing up. DO NOT remove the printed surface.

  6. Maker sure the Pre-Slope is laying flat on the sub-floor and does not overlap the base of the drain. Cut a larger hole with a utility knife if necessary to accommodate drain size.

  7. Install Composeal Shower Pan Membrane (or similar code-approved shower pan membrane) as per manufacturer’s instructions ( over Composeal Pitch Perfect Pre-Slope Shower Base.
    1) Cut membrane to size of drain opening NOT out to bolts.
    2) Puncture membrane with a nail to accommodate the bolts for the clamping ring. 
    3) Use ¼” bead of Composeal Polyseal or other polyurethane or 100% silicone sealant between the drain base and bottom of the Shower Pan Membrane to create a water tight seal before installing the clamping ring and tightening bolts.
    NOTE: Composeal Pitch Perfect Pre-Slope Shower Base should never be bonded directly to the Shower Pan Membrane.

  8. Install the included Weep Guard around the threaded neck of the drain above the clamping ring.

  9. Install a bed of mortar as per industry standards and once cured install thinset and tile.

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